/* Product Variations */ var baseProduct = {}; function updateSelectedVariation(parent, variation, id) { if(parent == undefined) { parent = $('body'); } else { parent = $(parent); } if(typeof(baseProduct.price) == 'undefined') { if($('.AddCartButton', parent).css('display') == "none") { var cartVisible = false; } else { var cartVisible = true; } baseProduct = { saveAmount: $('.YouSaveAmount', parent).html(), price: $('.VariationProductPrice', parent).html(), sku: $('.VariationProductSKU', parent).html(), weight: $('.VariationProductWeight', parent).html(), thumb: $('.ProductThumb img', parent).attr('src'), thumbLink: $('.ProductThumb .ViewLarger', parent).html(), cartButton: cartVisible }; } // Show the defaults again if(typeof(variation) == 'undefined') { if(baseProduct.saveAmount) { $('.YouSave', parent).show(); $('.YouSaveAmount').html(baseProduct.saveAmount); } else { $('.YouSave', parent).hide(); } $('.VariationProductPrice', parent).html(baseProduct.price); $('.VariationProductSKU', parent).html(baseProduct.sku); $('.VariationProductWeight', parent).html(baseProduct.weight); $('.CartVariationId', parent).val(''); $('.ProductThumb img', parent).attr('src', baseProduct.thumb); $('.ProductThumb .ViewLarger', parent).html(baseProduct.thumbLink); $(parent).attr('currentVariation', ''); $(parent).attr('currentVariationImage', '') $('.VariationOutOfStockMessage', parent).remove(); if(baseProduct.sku == '') { $('.ProductSKU', parent).hide(); } if(baseProduct.cartButton) { $('.AddCartButton', parent).show(); if(typeof ShowAddToCartQtyBox != 'undefined' && ShowAddToCartQtyBox=='1') { $('.QuantityInput', parent).show(); } } $('.InventoryLevel', parent).hide(); } // Othersie, showing a specific variation else { $('.VariationProductPrice', parent).html(variation.price); if(variation.sku != '') { $('.VariationProductSKU', parent).html(variation.sku); $('.ProductSKU', parent).show(); } else { $('.VariationProductSKU', parent).html(baseProduct.sku); if(baseProduct.sku) { $('.ProductSKU', parent).show(); } else { $('.ProductSKU', parent).hide(); } } $('.VariationProductWeight', parent).html(variation.weight); $('.CartVariationId', parent).val(id); if(variation.instock == true) { $('.AddCartButton', parent).show(); if(typeof ShowAddToCartQtyBox != 'undefined' && ShowAddToCartQtyBox=='1') { $('.QuantityInput', parent).show(); } $('.VariationOutOfStockMessage', parent).remove(); } else { $('.AddCartButton, .QuantityInput', parent).hide(); $('.VariationOutOfStockMessage', parent).remove(); $('.AddCartButton', parent).before('


'); } if(variation.thumb != '') { $('.ProductThumb img', parent).attr('src', variation.thumb); $('.ProductThumb .ViewLarger', parent).html('See larger picture'); $(parent).attr('currentVariation', id); $(parent).attr('currentVariationImage', variation.image) } else { $('.ProductThumb img', parent).attr('src', baseProduct.thumb); $('.ProductThumb .ViewLarger', parent).html(baseProduct.thumbLink); $(parent).attr('currentVariation', ''); $(parent).attr('currentVariationImage', '') } if(variation.stock) { $('.InventoryLevel', parent).show(); $('.VariationProductInventory', parent).html(variation.stock); } else { $('.InventoryLevel', parent).hide(); } if(variation.saveAmount) { $('.YouSave', parent).show(); $('.YouSaveAmount').html(variation.saveAmount); } else { $('.YouSave', parent).hide(); } } } function initializeVariations(parent, VariationList) { if(parent == undefined) { parent = $('body'); } else { parent = $(parent); } // Select boxes are used if there is more than one variation type if($('.ProductOptionList select', parent).length > 0) { $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).each(function(index) { $(this).change(function() { if($(this).val()) { var next = $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).get(index+1); if(next) { $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).get(index+1).resetNext(); $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).get(index+1).fill(); $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).get(index+1).disabled = false; } } else { this.resetNext(); } // Do we have a full match? ourCombination = this.getFullCombination(); for(x in VariationList) { variation = VariationList[x]; if(variation.combination == ourCombination) { updateSelectedVariation(parent, variation, x); return; } } // No match or incomplete selection updateSelectedVariation(parent); }); this.getFullCombination = function() { var selected = new Array(); $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).each(function() { selected[selected.length] = $(this).val(); }); return selected.join(','); } this.getCombination = function() { var selected = new Array(); var thisSelect = this; $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).each(function() { if(thisSelect == this) { return false; } selected[selected.length] = $(this).val(); }); // Add the current item selected[selected.length] = $(this).val(); return selected.join(','); } this.resetNext = function() { $(this).nextAll().each(function() { this.selectedIndex = 0; this.disabled = true; }); }; this.fill = function(selectedVal) { // Remove everything but the first option $(this).find('option:gt(0)').remove(); var show = true; var previousSelection; // Get the values of the previous selects var previous = $('.ProductOptionList select', parent).get(index-1); if(previous) { previousSelection = previous.getCombination(); } for(var i = 1; i < this.variationOptions.length; i++) { for(x in VariationList) { variation = VariationList[x]; if(previousSelection) { var show = false; if((variation.combination+',').indexOf(previousSelection+','+this.variationOptions[i].value+',') == 0) { var show = true; break; } else { } } } if(show) { this.options[this.options.length] = new Option(this.variationOptions[i].text, this.variationOptions[i].value); } } if(selectedVal != undefined) { $(this).val(selectedVal); } }; // Steal the options and store them away for later variationOptions = new Array(); $(this).find('option').each(function() { if(typeof(this.text) == undefined) { this.text = this.innerHTML; } variationOptions[variationOptions.length] = {value: this.value, text: this.text }; }); selectedVal = $(this).val(); this.variationOptions = variationOptions; if(index == 0) { this.fill(selectedVal); } else if(!selectedVal) { this.disabled = true; } }); } // Otherwise, radio buttons which are very easy to deal with else { $('.ProductOptionList input[type=radio]', parent).click(function() { for(x in VariationList) { variation = VariationList[x]; if(variation.combination == $(this).val()) { updateSelectedVariation(parent, variation, x); return; } } // No match or incomplete selection updateSelectedVariation(parent); }); $('.ProductOptionList input[type=radio]:checked', parent).trigger('click'); } } $(document).ready(function() { if(typeof VariationList == 'undefined') { return; } initializeVariations('body', VariationList); });